Client Case Study:
Sacred Heart Medical Center
Sacred Heart Medical & Children's Hospital (Sacred Heart) experienced what they believed were challenges limited to the ED: low patient satisfaction, ambulance diversion, a lack of inpatient functional capacity, low reimbursement rates and a large volume of patients with uncompensated care.
Enhance hospital-wide operations & performance. Michael Hill, MD and Associates’ team were engaged to perform a broad scale multi-year ED, inpatient and perioperative hospital redesign with front-line staff, and introduced innovative technology systems to increase hospital operations transparency and increase accountability.
With Michael Hill, MD and Associates operational framework and expertise, hospital operations improved across the enterprise. The time from ED patient arrival to exam-by-physician was cut in half, ambulance diversion was virtually eliminated and ED patients that left before treatment decreased by 94%. All of this occurred while ED visits per month increased by 33%. Hospital length-of-stay decreased by nearly a full day, increasing their functional bed capacity by 40 beds. Perioperative room utilization increased by 28% and patient experience scores increased from 19th percentile to top quartile.